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An Open Invitation to Slow Down
Dec 3, 2024
4 min read
North of the equator? Read on! And 6 thoughts and 6 questions for you to ponder this week.

A recurring comment these last couple of weeks has been "I'm feeling tired/sluggish, but going to bed so early is weird."
Just imagine how the trees and all of the natural world outside are feeling. It's that time of year! A time to embrace the slow and the dark and the cold. The feelings of tiredness and sluggishness, the wanting to cozy-up under a blanket, inside. That's our body, Nature, telling us we need to slow down. Hunker down. Keep it simple. Conserve resources. And these feelings are OK!
As we embrace this new lifestyle of being in synch with the seasons and the cycles of light and dark, we become more aware of what we feel. It's like a part of our brain that had been asleep for so long is now waking up to new sensations. Including sensations of tiredness and sluggishness.
The conflict arises when these natural feelings and sensations are at odds with the rest of our world, our daily life, our to-dos, and so on. That's why these feelings of tiredness feel weird and wrong.
I'm here to tell you there's nothing wrong with you and those feelings.
I'm here to invite you to embrace the slow and the dark and the cold. And grab that cozy blanket!
If you can, go to bed earlier (even if the last time you were in bed by 7pm was when you were a kid or sick).
If you can, sleep in till 7 or beyond. Sunrise will be getting later and later still, for another month. Ride it out!
If you can, go for a walk outside, in the crisp of the morning, and soak up all that UVA goodness to make serotonin, dopamine, thyroid hormone, melanin, urocanic acid, histamine and more. Keep that uniquely personal pharmacy in your brain (your pituitary gland) churning out the good stuff. At the concentrations and dosages that YOU need.
If you're up before the sun, pop on those blue blockers and protect your gorgeous eyes and retinas, so your body's timer clocks are not screwed up for the rest of the day.
And of course, pop on those blue blockers after the sun sets. Rock your inner "Hollywood star" as early as 4pm this December, for your "early bird special" dinner, so you're not eating after dark. Support your gut and your body clocks, so melatonin is produced in time for bed and detoxing can take place accordingly.
And don't forget to thrive! Bloom this season. Embrace the rest. January is coming, with its longer, brighter days. By February we will have UVB rays back and Vitamin D production can commence all over again. A cycle. A new season. Again.
7 thoughts and 7 questions for you to ponder this week.
My dearest friend and fellow veteran homeschooling mom, Benga, is the brains behind our stunning Instagram posts as of late. I write stuff. But she really fleshes it out and gives it new life prior to posting. I’m in awe and so, so thankful for her. The following thoughts and questions were fleshed out by Benga, as we planned December’s Instagram content. I’m so inspired by it I decided to share along here, on this blog space, as well. So, for the next 4 posts and to round out the year, each Tuesday you will get a new batch of Thoughts & Questions to Ponder. My hope is they help you slow down and embrace this time. Enjoy!
Week 1 of Thoughts & Questions
Morning Ritual Revolution - Start your day with intention, not your inbox. Spend 15 minutes outdoors in sunlight to set your circadian rhythm and energize your cells. What’s your favorite morning light ritual? Share it in the comments, below!
Thanks for reading Bloom Where You're Planted ! This post is public so feel free to share it.
Nature’s Medicine - Feeling off? Step outside and let nature recalibrate your energy. Walking barefoot, touching/hugging an old tree or simply breathing fresh air restores balance. Spend 30 minutes outdoors today (or more!). What’s your favorite way to connect with nature? Share in comments!
True Hydration - True hydration goes beyond water, as we’ve shared previously here. Sunlight, grounding, and hydrating foods support your body on a cellular level. What’s your hydration practice? Are you making true hydration a priority?
Sunset Reset Ritual - Sunset is your body’s signal to wind down. Witness the colors, breathe deeply, and release the day. What does your evening sky today look like? Share if you’d like!
Red Light Remedy - Red and infrared frequencies soothe and support cellular repair. We talked about the amazing benefits of infrared here. Swap overhead lights for candles or red bulbs after sunset. How else are you embracing the benefits of red and infrared light?
Morning Mind-Body Sync - Start your day with 5 minutes of gratitude, movement and outdoor light. Align your body and mind with nature’s rhythms. What’s your favorite way to start the day? Share in comments!
Gratitude over Gifts - Gratitude shifts frequency. Reflect on what your body has gifted you today. Compete this sentence: “I’m grateful for my body because…” What’s one thing you’re thankful today?
Happy Resting & Slowing Down!
Amanda and the Horaios Wellness Team