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"The only way forward is through." (Adapted from Robert Frost's "The only way out is through").

Monarch Butterfly (credit: Gregarious Greg Photography)
Monarch Butterfly (credit: Gregarious Greg Photography)

One of my mentors stopped asking his patients “How are you doing”, and switched to “How are you BEING”? The reason? Well, everyone coming through his doors was in deep need of REST. Their autonomic nervous systems were so out of balance, the physiologic stress response was stuck on repeat in a continuous sympathetic loop. Asking “how are you DOING” denotes that they’re not “doing enough” otherwise they wouldn’t be there! Nothing could be further from the truth! Nothing could me more stress-inducing! And so, “How are you being” was the better, less stress-inducing question... Until the other day.

Recently we came across this other, even more accurate question to ask:


What a beautiful way to honor the amazingness of our bodies: constantly changing, adapting, healing, restoring, moving, resting, etc.

Living is a beautiful process. Not a series of mechanized steps. Not a day-in-day-out recipe that our different body parts follow. It is a never-ending procession of beautifully-orchestrated events.

It is a constant FLOW, a symbiotic relationship between all our layers, a symphony of conversations and interactions between our cells and molecules and atoms, a PROCESS that only ends when the energy in the system is gone - i.e. death. And so we now ask: How Are You BECOMING?

BECOME! Move, Live, Breathe, and EMBODY who you truly are. In this moment. Today.

To Becoming!



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