Nature Club ~ 3/8/25 - Highland Forest - Fabius, NY 10:30am
Community Conversations ~ In-Person 3/15/25, 10:30am 1 State St. Tully, NY - Online 3/19/25, 7pm EST

A Reframe and an Invitation.

So many folks I’ve spoken to in the last several weeks reported being sick; typically with some iteration of covid/a cold/upper respiratory "stuff". I’m sure we can all agree it’s not fun to feel sick. Ever. Furthermore, it's inconvenient and annoying and frustrating. Especially at this time of year when things are revving up if you have kids in school, but also as we head into the holiday season.
However… (Yes, of course there's a "however" - you know me!) … these things we've become so good at labeling (flu, covid, allergies, the common cold, bronchitis, asthma, gut issues, joint pain, skin issues like rashes and itching, so on and so forth) are nothing more and nothing less that HEALING RESPONSES. Physiological presentations that are meant to signal to us that the body is getting rid of offending toxins. An essential process that is typically enhanced during the change of seasons (i.e. going into Fall and into Spring).
Healing responses are essential in preparing our bodies as we head into the more taxing winter months. Why more taxing? Well, in winter we have less natural light at our disposal to recharge our water battery and make mitochondrial melatonin for detoxing. In our modern world this is made worse by our "summer all the time" indoor environments full of artificial light and artificial sugary foods. And so the body prepares by cleaning house and getting things ready for the onslaught. Think about all the tree-trimming crews and construction crews out and about this time of year, clearing branches from powerlines and clearing brush from road-side ditches to make room for snow and to prevent ice and snow storms from taking out branches near power lines in a couple months. The same thing is happening inside us.
Healing responses also increase as we transition into spring, to clean house after a long winter and built up toxins. This clean-up prepares our bodies for the much needed nourishment coming to us in the form of fresh foods and more light. We need to be able to absorb and process those nutrients and use them to our advantage.
So, you see, the twice or thrice-yearly cough and cold experience (some of us may experience it more intensely, complete with fever and body aches and much, much mucous) is important. We must honor it and rest. Hydrate. And rest some more. The sooner we enact the Rest & Hydrate response, the sooner this healing presentation will resolve. The less artificial, synthetic "medications" we throw at the situation, the sooner this healing presentation will resolve.
As I slog through my Naturopathic training and learn all the stuff that I never learned in grad school I realize this concept of a healing response is well accepted and expected in every single culture EXCEPT our “americanized” western one. Even my amazing massage therapist, Amy, nodded in utter approval when I mentioned that feeling icky after a massage wasn't a sign that the massage "hadn't worked", but quite the opposite: it had worked! And then some! That's why she always reminds me to hydrate after. We mobilize toxic depots during a massage. The body needs the extra hydration to remove them successfully and completely.
Similarly, by drumming up snot and congestion the body is mobilizing stored toxic waste that needs to come out. We must supply proper rest and hydration to aid in this process.
And so I leave you with this little gem I came across the other day:
"We're barreling towards the holiday season, where we first have the candy holiday, followed by the pie holiday, followed by the candy and pie holiday, followed by the booze holiday and then the chocolate holiday, and we call it flu season."
I would add that all of these opportunities for excess processed sugar are taking place under excess processed light. We simply must mind the sugar and blue light. Curb it. Pronto.
Lastly - like my mentor Dr. Dave Boyland always says:
"Don't name anything you don't intend to keep. Only children and pets should get a name."
In other words, think twice before grabbing onto a disease label or diagnosis.
Instead, I invite you to see the snot and coughing and mucus and aches and pains and congestion as the phenomenal detoxing process that these presentations are, as your amazing body prepares you for the next cycle. Harness the healing power of darkness! Slow down, rest, go to bed earlier, schedule less in your day. Go for slow meanders outside. Swap in some sunlight; swap out the harsh blue light from the gym. Your body is in full repair mode in winter. Honor that. Don’t sabotage it by recreating summer in winter and extending the day with artificial means.
I give you permission to activate “slow mode”. It’s only for a couple months. then before you know it, the days will be getting longer and we’ll be revving up for another round of growing and blooming where we’re planted.
I’m leaving the comments below open to all - How do you embrace the slowness and darkness of winter?
To happy detoxing and bottoms up! Hydrate!
much love,