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More Than Enough

Feb 4

6 min read




On Thriving & adaptability

Sunrise blooms
Sunrise blooms

These 3 Thoughts Really Stuck With Me This Month


"In theory, consistency is about being disciplined, determined, and unwavering.

In practice, consistency is about being adaptable. Don't have much time? Scale it down. Don't have much energy? Do the easy version. Find different ways to show up depending on the circumstances. Let your habits change shape to meet the demands of the day.

Adaptability is the way of consistency."

(James Clear)



"Nearly everything awesome takes longer than you think.

Get started and don't worry about the clock."

(Also James Clear)



Don’t wait until you feel ready to start. Just START.


You Are More Than Enough!

I can't wait for each of you to experience that moment when you realize you're not only ENOUGH, YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH. Each and everyone of us has everything we need to be well. It is who we are. It is a Natural Law. 

It just IS.


We talk a lot about "doing all the things" (healthy light diet, healthy foods, healthy water, movement, sleep, etc.) "All the things", all those important INPUTS are essential for wellbeing and a healthy life. Yes. But an even more powerful INPUT (foundational, I would say) is the words we speak. And equally powerful are the thoughts we have about ourselves.


What are your cells hearing about you every time you speak? What is your body water recording in its memory bank every time you ponder a label, a "diagnosis", a lab test result, an x-ray result, a conversation with someone else?


You are so much more than that label, that diagnosis. In fact, the presentations, the symptoms, the feelings, the discomfort and the pain are not the diagnosis, they are the healing response that your amazing body is presiding over, in response to the INPUTS it is getting each day. 


A label, a diagnosis is such a definitive thing, isn't it?. Almost like a binding contract that we are unknowingly making with ourselves, our cells, our tissues. I never intended to consent to the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis label and all the consequences that resulted from that consent. And yet I did consent. And the label became part of who I thought I was. We don't knowingly enslave ourselves to something. It just happens.

And so,

True healing, then, isn't about not feeling the symptoms, the feelings or the pain. True healing is about breaking the chains created by the contract with the diagnosis and inhabiting who we really are and the fact that we are more than enough.


When I realized that I was more than enough, and I had all that I needed to heal, I realized I needed to break that binding contract with the labels. I was still in pain, still doing all the things and still quite frustrated. But that moment, the moment it hit me: I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH, that moment, the weight was lifted and I tore up that binding contract with the labels. I leveled up (to steal an expression from gamer speak) and I never looked back.

So HOW does one get there? WHAT does one need to DO to realize they’re More Than Enough?


Simply put: STOP DOING. Stop toiling.

You will never find what you need outside of you.

You are the ultimate healing technology. No amount of red light therapy devices or water structuring wands or binaural beats apps, diets or workouts, to name a few “things”, will cure what’s ailing you until you realize these are just aids. You do the healing. Just like a pregnant mom does the delivering of the baby (the midwife, the OBGYN, the doula, they support, hold hands, mop sweat off brows). At least that’s how we were designed. That’s how it was intended. Unfortunately, our “left-brained’, linear, mechanistic and reductionist approach to living, birthing and healing has brainwashed us into thinking "we" (the doctor, the practitioner, the person and the system on the outside) can actually deliver a baby better than a woman’s uterus and vagina can. Similarly, 19th and 20th century views built on cartesian frameworks have brainwashed us into believing we can control healing from the outside of the most incredible healing technology in existence (the human body). Nothing could be further from the truth! In reality, every time we come in with interventions, "treatments" drugs, medications, protocols, etc., we muck it all up. And the body, in all its love and wisdom, doggedly continues on, in spite of the mess, always healing. Thank you Body.

You are the beginning and the end of all medicines and supplements. Your body knows what it needs and makes it. For the most part (vitamin C, we must procure from external sources, for instance). But when you ponder the magnitude of the nutrient-poor junk we consume on a day to day (processed food, processed light, junk words, junk environments, junk movement or lack-thereof, etc.), it’s really a thing of intense beauty how the body keeps going! It makes gold out of crap. And uses it to our advantage. 

Do you realize how incredible you actually are?!

We talk a lot about, and encourage all to “do all the things” not because “the things” are what heals. We heal. “All the things” support that healing process, make it easier. Ideally. Maybe.

In the end, it’s all about inputs and outputs. Put good things in, you get good things as a result. But because of our amazing next level technology, we get more than “just the output”. We get gold. That’s how incredible we actually are.

The whole is greater than the parts.

When you really PAUSE and PONDER and LET GO, that’s when you’ll get closer and closer to realizing that you’re more than enough. I must warn you: it will just happen. You will stumble upon this deep and amazing realization. But remember: a watched pot never boils. Same here. Waiting with baited breath will very quickly get you nowhere good. Toiling in hopes of getting there faster will backfire.

The magic of healing is in the BEING. And it gets even more otherworldly when we choose to step into the BECOMING.

Also I must warn you again: arriving at the “I’m More Than Enough” level is not the end-all. It is the beginning of the next level. Prepare yourself for awe and wonder and for more heel-digging as you embark on this new level: THRIVING.

Thriving Requires Adaptability

Living in true abundance, THRIVING, requires a solid word and thought life. This is one of the instances where that adaptability in the day-to-day comes in: CONSISTENCY in how we speak to ourselves, how we think of ourselves, how we treat ourselves will look different from day to day. The key is to SHOW UP. EVERY DAY. Show up and love yourself. Show up and speak Truth. Show up and think loving thoughts about yourself. Think about “all the things” and doing them as an act of love, not as a duty. And if you catch yourself not speaking nicely about yourself, pause, breathe and start over. Adapt. What works for me may not work for you. What is a sustainable way for you to think nice thoughts about yourself? Do that. And remember, you will change as you go along. What worked yesterday may need some tweaking today. And tomorrow is fresh and new, with no mistakes in it. A clean start. Always.

Giving your body and yourself the best, healthiest INPUTS is, after all, the ultimate act of love. Of self love. 


And this LOVE breeds SAFETY and EASE.  This is True Healing.

Road to El Hornocal, Humahuaca, Argentina. Photo Credit: Horaios Wellness
Road to El Hornocal, Humahuaca, Argentina. Photo Credit: Horaios Wellness

The Journey of True Healing isn't a straight line. It's a long, windy, dusty road. It takes commitment and determination and bravery. And it also takes community. I wrote about this many months ago. Check out the hyperlink at the beginning of this paragraph to read.

Thriving requires Community.


Our mission here at Horaios Wellness is to provide accessible health and wellness information to anyone ready to take charge of their own health. If I do my job right, you won't need me for long. That said, some of our journeys are longer than others. We come to this with a lot of layers, and much "climbing" to do. And  the truth is, we all need some support along the way.


We come alongside you on this Journey of True Healing to support you through the healing crisis. Whatever that may be. To “wipe the sweat off your brow” as you level up. To BECOME, with you. We are but a stop along the way. A train station, if you will. And we're honored to come alongside you, for however long you need.


Here are some of the ways we can thrive together as you get from where you are today to the next stop:

But for now, just BE. 

If you clicked on a link and started perusing, take a moment and BE.

You don’t have to decide now. Slow cooked is best. Take time.

If you are getting this post at a time when thriving and community resonate with you, if this post is an answer to prayer and intention, then DO decide now. Everything is as it should be. And everything happens in due time, when it’s supposed to.

Looking forward to meeting you,


Comments (1)

Unknown member
Feb 06

Wow, Amanda! This post is gold, absolute gold.

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