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Wearable Photobiomodulation

Feb 18

5 min read




Nothing beats the Sun or a good campfire, but sometimes we need an extra boost. I’m so excited to offer homeopathic light and homeopathic movement as part of my practice! 

Morning mates by the campfire - Southwick Beach. June 2023
Morning mates by the campfire - Southwick Beach. June 2023

Nothing beats the sun or enjoying a good mate by a beach-side campfire, while grounding, but sometimes our mighty mitochondria need an extra boost. And most of the time, such an idyllic scenario is just not happening. February in Central New York is anything but...

I couldn’t wait to share with you my most recent rabbit hole deep dive: wearable photobiomodulation using nanotechnology in the form of patches, a.k.a. Lifewave patches.

These patches are not transdermal. They're not injecting any synthetic substance into the body. This approach harnesses the body's own infrared light generated by our mitochondria and then reflects it back in for transmission along specific energy paths/meridians.

The patches are constructed out of organic molecules (sugars, carbon, etc.). The only thing going into the body is light. But in a more targeted manner. And this light carries specific information pertaining to specific molecules, depending on the patch use/indication. For instance, the x39 patch (aka the stem cell patch) targets copper in our bodies by making sure there's no free, unbound copper (causing toxicity). It does this by increasing levels of the GHK peptide, a copper binder. Note this is not a supplement you take orally. This isn't a synthetic. This is your very own GHK-Cu peptide increasing in response to light, your very own light. All the patch does is streamline this process. In doing so, it increases your body's production of stem cells, thus supporting healing and restoration.

Copper is a very important nutrient, but it needs to exist in a bound state. Otherwise, it becomes a very potent toxin. The same happens with many other substances in our bodies. When they're not bound to their corresponding counterpart enzymes or peptides, they cause issues. What causes metals inside us to become unbound? Well, toxins in our environment, in particular man-made electromagnetic frequencies like WiFi radiation.

Before I go any further I'd like to be clear: everything these patches do can be accomplished by Nature, sunlight, grounding, and living a life connected to the earth. This is how we were designed! We should all be striving to live in a more connected way. Period.

But sometimes, a given situation calls for an extra boost. Assorted photobiomodulation options are available (red/infrared light panels, torches, blankets, saunas, infrared saunas, etc.). People may also resort to even more expensive approaches such as stem cell transplants, or platelet-rich plasma injections. These things do help. But oftentimes they're prohibitive in their cost or in the time required in order to see benefits.

Enter a wearable patch that harnesses your body’s very own infrared light.

The benefits of the suite of patches sold at Lifewave is very broad. Who might benefit from these?

- the elderly - because stem cell production goes down as we age, the older we are the more stem cell support we need.

- Anyone dealing with chronic disease (diabetes, metabolic syndrome in general, neurodegenerative presentations, gut issues) - these conditions accelerate deletion of stem cell production, making it more of an uphill battle for the body to heal.

- these patches have shown incredible results in wound healing

- Anyone with headaches/migraines, chronic pain, joint pain, anxiety, depression, heart conditions, recovering from trauma, heart attacks, stroke, etc.

- Anyone who may have copper toxicity (used/uses IUD or other forms of birth control, takes OTC copper)

- Most of us! As we live mostly indoor lives; perhaps it's not feasible to get outside as much as we need to benefit from all that Nature has to offer. If I were still working at the medical school, spending 8hrs. a day indoors under bright artificial blue lights, I'd seriously consider wearing these to mitigate the damage caused by that environment.

As it is, I'm using them now to further support my amazing hormones during perimenopause and to improve my ability to recover quicker post workouts, where my goal is to increase muscle. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve only just begun this journey. But I feel confident enough in this that I’m sharing now as a means of spreading the good news. Also, my goal is to document as closely as possible my personal experience with these patches, so as to create a record and a testimonial that can be shared down the line.

I've been quietly monitoring this product from the sidelines since it came to my attention about a year ago. I was intrigued, but put off by the "direct sales", multi level marketing business model. I'm so used to being able to go online (amazon or a website) and get whatever I am in need of, without having to talk to a human. Very sad, really. I now see this as a beautiful opportunity to cultivate relationships. I'm not a salesperson. I severely dislike selling. But I deeply enjoy sharing what I'm passionate about! And as you all know, I'm passionate about light.

Over time, many acquaintances, instructors in the quantum biology space, mentors and friends started jumping on board with the light patches and I became even more intrigued, kept reading up on it, listening to podcasts, etc. After sitting in on a really nerdy, fun zoom call with a group of savvy quantum health clinicians and coaches, and listening in on their brainstorming of how this tech might actually be working (in deeper detail - mirrors and nanocrystals and maybe even hologram technology), I was hooked.

We are quantum beings, after all! We are frequency and light. Why wouldn't something that supports us work on this level: harnessing and leveraging our very own frequencies and light for healing?

You can learn more about these patches and their inventor here and here. It's a fascinating story, which David Schmidt (the inventor) himself, relays on this podcast episode.

I am now a Lifewave Brand Partner. This means I can direct-sell these patches to anyone interested. Here's my Lifewave landing page, if you’d like to peruse. As a brand partner, I get a commission for every sale I make. In addition, I have access to their broader compensation model that is based on a binary cycle and leverages the team aspect of their business model. You can learn more about Lifewave's compensation model here.

You, as the interested party, can purchase Lifewave patches at the retail price, or you can get a discount if you sign up for a monthly subscription. Even better, you can also sign on as a brand partner and access your patches while also turning this into a business for yourself. This is explained in that compensation model video linked above.

If you're interested in this in any capacity (just getting set up with patches to support your health, or also in setting yourself up as a brand partner) feel free to get in touch with me. You can book a complimentary discovery call at your convenience. If you decide you'd like to sign on as a brand partner, I'd love to sponsor you! This means you'd be on my very own personal team :)

For now I’d like to close by saying that another reason I love this tool is that it leverages light for healing, on a homeopathic level, much like rhythmic movement training (RMT) to integrate active primitive reflexes leverages movement on a homeopathic level to achieve healing and wholeness. These 2 tools complement each other rather perfectly in my practice and I’m really excited to be able to offer them together! I’ve written about the benefits of RMT here, here and here.

Please reach out if you have any questions or if you already know about Lifewave and are ready to become a brand partner. Let me know and we can get you signed up -

Book a complimentary discovery call today!

Here’s to blooming where we’re planted, under all of the light of the sun, and letting our inner light shine right on through!



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